Postgraduate courses in IT & Computers in Kildare
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Browse Courses, Post Graduate Classes by City/Towns in Ireland
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Computer Science - Applied Computer Science
Computer Science Course by Maynooth University - Maynooth, Co. KildareThe MSc in Computer Science (Applied) offers students with degrees that include three years of Computer Science a personalised programme of advanced CS modules to enhance their knowledge and fit their strengths. Furthermore, students deepen their research and practical skills through a project and dissertation plus an industrial work placement meaning they will get the…
Computer Science - Research
Computer Science Course by Maynooth University - Maynooth, Co. KildareThe aim of the research degree in computer science is to provide the student with an opportunity to carry out a significant body of research work with the support and supervision of senior academic researchers.
Computer Science - Software Engineering
Computer Science Course by Maynooth University - Maynooth, Co. KildareThe MSc in Computer Science (Software Engineering) at Maynooth exposes graduates in computer science and related disciplines to the technical, methodological, organizational development of reliable software and information technology systems so that successful participants will be prepared to lead major projects in software engineering across industrial and commercial sectors.
Data Analytics
Data Analytics Course by Maynooth University - Maynooth, Co. KildareData analytics/science is the science of extracting insight from large amounts of raw data in order to enable better understanding of the processes that created it and so help in analysis, theory exploration and decision making.
Data Analytics
Data Analytics Course by Maynooth University - Maynooth, Co. KildareThe Higher Diploma in Data Analytics is a new programme that has been designed to address industry needs. The modules provide students with the knowledge and skills to collect, process, analyse and visualise data in order to extract useful information, explore statistical patterns, test hypotheses, and explore the implications of models.
Dependable Software Systems - European Double Masters
Software Development Course by Maynooth University - Maynooth, Co. KildareThis masters degree provides graduates with the knowledge and in-depth technical understanding of the key concepts required to design and build dependable software systems. This will be achieved by bringing together the theory and practice of software development through participation in research driven and commercially relevant projects. Three partner universities collaborate to deliver the programme,…
Design Innovation
Web Design Course by Maynooth University - Maynooth, Co. KildareThis MSc programme is ideal for anyone aspiring to be an effective radical innovator. In particular, it directly prepares graduates for the roles of innovation leadership, innovation management, product management, strategic marketing, market research and design strategy.