SFI-IRC Pathway Programme

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Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and the Irish Research Council (IRC) have launched the SFI-IRC Pathway Programme. The programme supports postdoctoral researchers from all research disciplines to develop their track record and transition to become independent research leaders.  

These awards will enable postdoctoral researchers to conduct independent research for a fouryear period and will provide funding for a postgraduate student who will be primarily supervised by the applicant

The programme welcomes research proposals from any discipline within STEM or AHSS. Applications of an interdisciplinary nature which draw together insights and approaches from one or more research disciplines will also be welcomed. 

Potential applicants are advised to consult the call document for details regarding updates to the eligibility criteria.

SFI-IRC Pathway Programme Objectives 

  • To enable talented postdoctoral researchers to develop their track record and establish themselves as independent investigators, with the support of their research body. 
  • To provide a mechanism for Irish higher education institutions to retain excellent early career researchers from all disciplines and support their development towards becoming research leaders of the future.  
  • To fund excellent research with potential impact across all disciplines. 
  • To contribute to further development of the higher education system through knowledge creation, training and skill development.  
  • To support early career researchers in securing non-Exchequer funding and develop their network through the European Research Area. 
  • To increase the representation of female researchers in the higher education sector and promote alignment with international policies including research assessment, open science and equality, diversity and inclusion. 
  • To contribute to a cohesive research ecosystem in Ireland and support SFI and the IRC in achieving their strategic objectives, as described in the strategic plan for each agency. 

The deadline is 22nd July 2022.

Information webinar

An information webinar for potential applicants and associated research office staff will be hosted on Thursday 2 June 2022.

Register to attend here.

Last year’s webinar can be viewed below:

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