Course Description

SPHeRE Online Diploma in Population Health & Health Services Research Education

The Online Postgraduate Level 9 Diploma in Population Health and Health Services Research comprehensively introduces you to the field of population health and health services research by building theoretical, contextual and practical knowledge and skills.

This innovative joint award of The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Trinity College Dublin and University College Cork brings together the best expertise in population health and health services research. It is designed for busy health care and health system professionals working across the sector who wish to develop and/or build on their existing expertise in population health and health services research. The Postgraduate Diploma is delivered using a blended format of online content with interactive webinars and discussion forums and allows you the flexibility to engage with coursework at a time and place suitable to you.

CollegeRoyal College of Surgeons Ireland, Trinity College Dublin & University College Cork
Course LocationDublin
Location PostcodeDublin 2
Course CategoryHealthcare Management, Medicine & Healthcare
Course TypeOnline Learning
Course QualificationPostgraduate Diploma
Awarding Body DetailsLevel 9 Postgraduate Diploma in Population Health & Health Services Research
Course Duration2 years part-time
Course FeeIrish/EU applicants: €2,767 per annum International applicants: €5,342 per annum *Additional fee for statistical software licence ~€48 *Each institution has its own defined local registration fee ~€50
Entry RequirementsApplicants are required to hold a National Framework of Qualifications Level 8 primary degree (or equivalent) in health, social science, statistics, economics or a related discipline. A cognate Master’s Degree may also qualify for admission. In exceptional circumstances, applicants without a primary degree of a sufficient level may be recommended for entry to the programme following a review of their individual qualifications and experience by the Joint Course Committee (Board of Studies)
Phone01 402 2721
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