Course Description

EnviroCORE - Research (CORES)

EnviroCORE is focused on the development of biological and chemical environmental technologies that offer innovative solutions to environmental problems that support sustainable economic and social development.

CORE Research Themes are:
Phyto, vermi, and microbial technologies for waste treatment;
Biomass production and biotransformation;
Environmental bioindicators, biosensors and biomarkers;
Environmental Modelling and risk.

CollegeInstitute of Technology Carlow
Course LocationCarlow
Course CategoryScience, Science & Technology
Course QualificationMasters Degree
Awarding BodyQQI
Course FeePOA
Entry RequirementsCandidates for the Degree of Master (Research) will be expected to meet the standard for the relevant broad field of learning (Science, Computing, Engineering, Business, Art and Design defined for awards at Level 9 on the NFQ.
Phone059 91 75000
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Course Provider

Institute of Technology Carlow

Kilkenny Road, Carlow Town, Carlow, Republic of Ireland. Eircode: R93 V960

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    Institute of Technology Carlow
    Kilkenny Road
    Carlow Town, Carlow
    Republic of Ireland
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