Unfortunately, there are no postgraduate courses listed in our database in Castleblayney. We are dealing with course providers on a continual basis, so please do check back again. Meanwhile, feel free to use some of the options below.
There are many reasons why you might decide to either consider or pursue, postgraduate study. For most, it’s a matter of following a path of academic and professional development. For others it’s an issue of personal development or someone could be returning to study after many years. Whatever your reasons for undergoing postgraduate study, make […]
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in tertiary education refers to a framework for developing flexible learning environments and materials that can accommodate different learning styles, abilities, disabilities, and other needs among diverse students. What is Universal Design in Tertiary Education? Multiple means of representation – Presenting course content in different formats like text, audio, video, […]
The public sector, made up of government agencies and state departments, is the state’s largest employer. It is, essentially, a network of bodies that enable the functioning and development of the country, everything from healthcare to transport, justice to heritage, and tourism to foreign affairs, to name just a few elements. A career within the […]
AgInnovation represents the cutting edge of agricultural technology and practices, aimed at transforming traditional farming into a more efficient, sustainable, and productive industry. This rapidly evolving field combines advanced technologies, data-driven insights, and innovative approaches to address the global challenges of food security, climate change, and resource management. At its core, AgInnovation encompasses a wide […]
As we learn more about the impact of modern development and industry on the world around us, the need for better thought out environmental management becomes clear. With government and EU regulations and legislation increasing, businesses and organisations are increasingly requiring qualified people with environmental training. A number of third level and postgraduate courses have […]
Digital Humanities (DH), Digital History, and Digital Methods are three interrelated areas that leverage digital technologies to enhance the study and understanding of human culture, history, and society. These disciplines combine traditional humanities scholarship with cutting-edge computational tools, offering new perspectives and methodologies for research and education. Digital Humanities: Bridging Technology and Culture Digital Humanities […]
Studying anthropology at the postgraduate level offers a deep dive into the study of human societies, cultures, and behaviors, providing a rich and nuanced understanding of humanity’s past, present, and future. Pursuing Postgraduate Studies in Anthropology Specializations Anthropology is a broad field encompassing various sub-disciplines such as cultural anthropology, biological anthropology, archaeology, and linguistic anthropology. […]
The application for your postgraduate course is not something that should be taken lightly, and must be afforded the proper consideration and time. Academic qualifications are obviously very important but they are not the only factor you need to take into account when applying for that postgraduate course. You are creating a ‘selling document’ and […]
There are as many reasons to do a postgraduate degree as there are postgraduate options. Whether you are fresh from undergraduate studies, looking to advance your skills or to change career, a postgraduate degree can have many benefits. The big question is: do you need one? Postgraduate studies will give you an increased level of […]
Studying? Don’t forget your self-care. Balancing the challenges of life, work and study simultaneously should never be a feat that you underestimate. When you take on a postgraduate programme, you’re not simply sitting in on a few classes on your downtime; rather, you’re making a massive commitment that’s likely far outside your comfort zone. Don’t […]