Unfortunately, there are no postgraduate courses listed in Sales listed in our database. We are dealing with course providers on a continual basis, so please do check back again. Meanwhile, feel free to use some of the options below.
Think of changing career or upskilling? If you need to change or add to your skillset, a conversion course may be the best way to proceed. Here we explain what conversion courses are to help you decide if this is the right choice for you. What is a conversion course? A conversions course is a […]
Studying anthropology at the postgraduate level offers a deep dive into the study of human societies, cultures, and behaviors, providing a rich and nuanced understanding of humanity’s past, present, and future. Pursuing Postgraduate Studies in Anthropology Specializations Anthropology is a broad field encompassing various sub-disciplines such as cultural anthropology, biological anthropology, archaeology, and linguistic anthropology. […]
A fresh challenge: How a return to study can benefit your career and your outlook on life. The pressures of developing and sustaining a professional career can be significant, but the benefits of taking a step back and seeing where you could improve your skills, and how that could boost your own career, are equally […]
According to the Education for Person’s with Special Education Needs (SEN) Act 2004, students are to be educated as far as possible in an inclusive environment in mainstream classrooms. Students with special needs may be educated in ordinary classes in mainstream schools or in smaller classes in mainstream schools with a low teacher-to-pupil ratio – […]
Being able to speak a second language is like having a precious commodity. In recent years, the demand has surged for employees with foreign language skills. Ireland could do better in the multilingualism stakes. The vast majority – over ninety percent – of people in Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Slovenia and Sweden can […]
Niamh Quigley of Chevron Training explores 5 Factors to Consider Before Choosing an Online Mba That Is Right for You Often ambitious, career driven individuals choose to complete a masters in business/ masters in business management. The Online MBA degree is a great option but choosing the right one for you can be stressful; after all no matter which […]
Do you want to work in the rewarding, creative field of Architecture? The role of the architect is to design and coordinate building projects, from an extension to a house, to a complete housing estate or office block, based on a budget and brief that has been supplied by the client. What You’ll be Working On […]
Engineering is an area with multiple strands, each of which is united to the others by a shared commitment to innovation. After all, the discipline, by its very nature, must constantly evolve as its main purpose is to overcome the challenges posed across a range of areas – from computing and software to food and […]
A massive €5 billion industry, the Irish hospitality industry is the fulcrum of a massive tourist industry, amongst the most successful anywhere in the world. There are currently 18,377 (2018 data) companies working in the hospitality-related accommodation and food services sector in Ireland, with a workforce of approximately 177,000. This compares to 148,000 at the […]
They say everyone has a book in them; have you been threatening to write yours for years? A postgraduate course in Creative Writing is an excellent opportunity to take that plunge and invest time in yourself. Dedicate a year (or two, or three – depending on the level of training) to hone those writing skills […]