Unfortunately, there are no postgraduate courses listed in Law Society Exams listed in our database. We are dealing with course providers on a continual basis, so please do check back again. Meanwhile, feel free to use some of the options below.
Journalism is no longer the exclusive remit of print media, radio and TV; it has become a far more multidimensional discipline, incorporating a host of new elements – a fact that is clearly reflected by the widespread inclusion of a digital and social media dimension to most journalism courses. The Internet has had a major […]
Do you see yourself as a modern day Don Draper? While the casual sexism and day drinking aren’t part and parcel of the job nowadays, this field remains an interesting and lucrative career choice. In fact, modern commercialism is fuelled by advertising, along with the psychological techniques which have been implemented in this area since […]
As the strains of climate change intensify and global consumption accelerates, there is an urgent need to transition from the traditional linear economic model of ‘take, make, waste’ to a circular model that decouples economic growth from environmental destruction. The vision of a circular economy aims to shift away from the traditional linear economy based […]
The public sector, made up of government agencies and state departments, is the state’s largest employer. It is, essentially, a network of bodies that enable the functioning and development of the country, everything from healthcare to transport, justice to heritage, and tourism to foreign affairs, to name just a few elements. A career within the […]
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in tertiary education refers to a framework for developing flexible learning environments and materials that can accommodate different learning styles, abilities, disabilities, and other needs among diverse students. What is Universal Design in Tertiary Education? Multiple means of representation – Presenting course content in different formats like text, audio, video, […]
Although it mightn’t happen right as you graduate, you are bound to be called for an interview at some point. While this should be a boost to your confidence, it obviously doesn’t mean that the job/fellowship is in the bag. We’ve compiled our top tips when it comes to interview skills. You have a way […]
They say a fool and his money are soon parted. That may have had a ring of truth in the profligate days of the Celtic Tiger, but nowadays even as the economy continues to improve, the union of village idiots is advocating spending cautiously. An increasingly competitive market is seeking higher returns from a fast […]
The Aleen Cust Library at Mountbellew Agricultural College, Co. Galway opened today, 16th October 2023. So Who Was Aleen Cust? Before women were widely accepted in many professions, Aleen Cust shattered expectations by becoming Ireland’s first female veterinary surgeon in the early 1900s. Her pioneering career opened doors for women in veterinary medicine. Developing a […]
Whatever stage you are at, in either your academic or working career, it is never too late to change course and find a new direction. Postgraduate conversion courses were designed with that explicitly in mind. This is a course that allows you to change track in your career. Tempted? What next? Some conversion courses will […]
Media Production is a blanket term for an industry which has shifted greatly over the past number of years; the digital revolution changed all things related to media. Every iPhone user is a potential journalist, anyone with an internet connection can be a broadcaster. The changing online landscape has, in some ways, democratised the form, […]