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Before you embark on your PhD journey, it’s worth considering that you are taking on an objective that is at the very upper end of the scale of achievable qualifications. To use a mountaineering analogy, your challenging undergraduate degree was a walk in the foothills, your postgrad saw you headed for base camp, so a […]
Whatever stage you are at, in either your academic or working career, it is never too late to change course and find a new direction. Postgraduate conversion courses were designed with that explicitly in mind. This is a course that allows you to change track in your career. Tempted? What next? Some conversion courses will […]
Digital humanities is one of the most exciting new academic fields. In brief, this is an area of scholarship where humanities and technology intersects, such as by using digital tools in humanities research work. Anyone undertaking a digital humanities postgraduate degree will use both humanities research and data-intensive computational methodologies. The combination of the two […]
From budgies to bulls, microbes to mares, and absolutely everything in between; are you tempted to take on a postgraduate course in Animal Science? Whether your preferred career is in veterinary medicine, agriculture or beyond, a postgraduate qualification is something that will set you apart from other graduates when the time comes to start sending […]
Tempted to study abroad? When considering where to study at postgraduate level, there are a lot of factors to consider. Which is the best programme for you with regards cost, suitable accommodation, university supports, or programme content? Does the course you’re looking at provide teaching experience? Do they have a strong department, research background or […]
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an educational framework designed to optimize teaching and learning for all students, regardless of their diverse backgrounds, abilities, or learning styles. UDL aims to remove barriers to learning and create inclusive learning environments where every student can succeed. At its core, UDL recognizes that learners differ in how they […]
Covering everything from traditional banking to e-commerce, tax, audit, consultancy and with inputs into literally every industry, the areas of business and finance remain one of the largest job opportunity sectors and one of Ireland’s biggest areas of employment. Business and Finance Over the last four to five years there have been very significant levels […]
They say everyone has a book in them; have you been threatening to write yours for years? A postgraduate course in Creative Writing is an excellent opportunity to take that plunge and invest time in yourself. Dedicate a year (or two, or three – depending on the level of training) to hone those writing skills […]
Almost 50 per cent of all postgraduate students at Irish universities are studying part-time. This includes mature students, who decide to return to education at different stages of their careers, as well as students who have just graduated from their primary degree, and don’t want to commit to a further year studying full-time. Part-time postgraduate […]
Thinking of changing careers and moving into the law? Then a postgraduate course in Legal Studies might be your best option. Solicitor, barrister, judge – that’s the normal progression of ambitious legal eagles. As a career choice, it’s possible to ascend rapidly, especially in today’s economy where the demand for solicitors and legal professionals is […]