Postgraduate courses in IT & Computers in Blackrock
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Android Mobile Application Development - Online
Computer Applications Course by Fitzwilliam Institute - Blackrock, Co. DublinIn recent years, the IT industry has shown a significant increase in demand for IT Professionals that are skilled in Internet and Web Programming. This industry is rich in employment opportunities due to a high demand for professionals with the correct skillset for this area. This course provides hands on training to designing and building…
Business with Cloud Computing - Distance Learning
Cloud Computing Course by Fitzwilliam Institute - Blackrock, Co. DublinThis distance learning Postgraduate Diploma in Business with Cloud Computing will provide comprehensive grounding in managerial disciplines. This Postgraduate Diploma gives students an extensive and comprehensive insight into topics related to business management, including operations management, marketing, mathematics and statistical analysis, accounting, economics, performance in the workplace, employee relations and entrepreneurial skills. By the time…
Business with Information Technology
Information Technology Course by Fitzwilliam Institute - Blackrock, Co. DublinThis distance learning Postgraduate Diploma in Business and Information Technology will provide comprehensive grounding in managerial disciplines. This Postgraduate Diploma gives students an extensive and comprehensive insight into topics related to business management, including operations management, marketing, mathematics and statistical analysis, accounting, economics, performance in the workplace, employee relations and entrepreneurial skills. By the time…