Unfortunately, there are no postgraduate courses listed in Greek listed in our database. We are dealing with course providers on a continual basis, so please do check back again. Meanwhile, feel free to use some of the options below.
Before you embark on your PhD journey, it’s worth considering that you are taking on an objective that is at the very upper end of the scale of achievable qualifications. To use a mountaineering analogy, your challenging undergraduate degree was a walk in the foothills, your postgrad saw you headed for base camp, so a […]
Digital Humanities (DH), Digital History, and Digital Methods are three interrelated areas that leverage digital technologies to enhance the study and understanding of human culture, history, and society. These disciplines combine traditional humanities scholarship with cutting-edge computational tools, offering new perspectives and methodologies for research and education. Digital Humanities: Bridging Technology and Culture Digital Humanities […]
There is a wide variety of postgraduate qualifications available from Irish universities and other third-level institutions, each with potential pros and cons for different students. This section contains information on general entry requirements, typical course durations, and the modes of delivery and assessment for different kinds of qualification. Prospective students should bear in mind that […]
Springboard+ courses are one of Ireland’s most important education initiatives for unemployed people. Springboard+ offers 5,855 free places on 181 courses to help unemployed people return to education and find highly paid jobs. The courses are at certificate, degree and master’s levels. These are all in areas where there are plenty of jobs. However, Springboard+ […]
Whether it’s during your postgraduate study or in your first job, the chances are that you will have to give a presentation at a relatively early stage, so let’s take a look at what you should focus on to make it a great one. Beat those nerves The main concerns for anyone doing a presentation […]
The field of public relations is closely related to the marketing and advertising areas. The exact job description of the PR practitioner can vary, but they generally look after the public perception of their company of that of its products. This can involve creating information that shows your employers in a good light and providing […]
They say a fool and his money are soon parted. That may have had a ring of truth in the profligate days of the Celtic Tiger, but nowadays even as the economy continues to improve, the union of village idiots is advocating spending cautiously. An increasingly competitive market is seeking higher returns from a fast […]
Covering everything from traditional banking to e-commerce, tax, audit, consultancy and with inputs into literally every industry, the areas of business and finance remain one of the largest job opportunity sectors and one of Ireland’s biggest areas of employment. Business and Finance Over the last four to five years there have been very significant levels […]
Moore’s Law and the technological shifts brought in under its mantle has obliterated our traditional interpretation of what ‘media’ actually means. A few generations ago, the only media available to consume was via print. Then came photography, followed by radio, film, TV and most recently the computer. It’s hard to fathom, especially for the average […]
Kaizen is the Japanese word for ‘improvement’; back in the 1950s Toyota implemented a revolutionary approach to Process Improvement which would eventually become Lean Six Sigma. Almost seven decades later, this Programme is used in industries across the globe. Here in Ireland, it’s not only common practice in tech and manufacturing but across organisations big […]