Visit to see a full list of possible careers through postgraduate level training in Archaelogy. This course would be suited to people who have an interest in history and would like to have a career as an Archaeologist, a Conservator and a Heritage Manager. Areas studied throughout this course would consist of prehistoric archaeology and geographical sciences. Visit to search postgraduate placements in your area now!
Unfortunately, there are no postgraduate courses listed in Archaeology listed in our database. We are dealing with course providers on a continual basis, so please do check back again. Meanwhile, feel free to use some of the options below.
Once you have finished your undergraduate degree, there are a number of issues to consider. Do a postgraduate degree or look for work? Continue with your undergraduate field or consider one of the many conversion courses available? A postgrad degree can give you an advantage in the jobs market. But a postgrad in a field […]
It can be very difficult balancing a postgraduate programme with anything that resembles a social life. Good habits from the get-go are the only way you will survive your postgrad with your mental health intact. As your course is underway, do you find yourself saying: ‘If only I had more time?’ Is your problem lack […]
The field of public relations is closely related to the marketing and advertising areas. The exact job description of the PR practitioner can vary, but they generally look after the public perception of their company of that of its products. This can involve creating information that shows your employers in a good light and providing […]
The application for your postgraduate course is not something that should be taken lightly, and must be afforded the proper consideration and time. Academic qualifications are obviously very important but they are not the only factor you need to take into account when applying for that postgraduate course. You are creating a ‘selling document’ and […]
Whatever stage you are at, in either your academic or working career, it is never too late to change course and find a new direction. Postgraduate conversion courses were designed with that explicitly in mind. This is a course that allows you to change track in your career. Tempted? What next? Some conversion courses will […]
There is a wide variety of postgraduate qualifications available from Irish universities and other third-level institutions, each with potential pros and cons for different students. This section contains information on general entry requirements, typical course durations, and the modes of delivery and assessment for different kinds of qualification. Prospective students should bear in mind that […]
Transform yourself from an inexperienced, or nervous, speaker to skilled presenter through planning and practice via a course in presentation skills. Using industry leading methods, participants will learn how to captivate their audience and improve at presenting your ideas with conviction, control and excellent content. It’s common for people starting off at postgrad level to […]
Anyone interested in going for an MBA program or any other program related to the Masters in Business Administration should be ready to pay a high price. Funding for MBA programmes can be very difficult to find, compared to what pertains in other disciplines. If you want to enrol on a full-time MBA, for example, you […]
Studying? Don’t forget your self-care. Balancing the challenges of life, work and study simultaneously should never be a feat that you underestimate. When you take on a postgraduate programme, you’re not simply sitting in on a few classes on your downtime; rather, you’re making a massive commitment that’s likely far outside your comfort zone. Don’t […]
The importance of setting goals: Whether you do it in an informal, personal way or in a structured, networked fashion, goal setting is vital when undertaking a postgraduate programme. If you want to stay on top of your studies, identifying measurable targets and tracking your progress will help you get there. While you will likely […]