Unfortunately, there are no postgraduate courses listed in Arabic listed in our database. We are dealing with course providers on a continual basis, so please do check back again. Meanwhile, feel free to use some of the options below.
As the fears facing climate change are changing the way in which we think about the world, when it comes to horticulture and the environment, there are more opportunities for a career in this field than ever. People now have the money, and the desire, to create that little bit of greenery which can help […]
The importance of setting goals: Whether you do it in an informal, personal way or in a structured, networked fashion, goal setting is vital when undertaking a postgraduate programme. If you want to stay on top of your studies, identifying measurable targets and tracking your progress will help you get there. While you will likely […]
Although it mightn’t happen right as you graduate, you are bound to be called for an interview at some point. While this should be a boost to your confidence, it obviously doesn’t mean that the job/fellowship is in the bag. We’ve compiled our top tips when it comes to interview skills. You have a way […]
Before you embark on your PhD journey, it’s worth considering that you are taking on an objective that is at the very upper end of the scale of achievable qualifications. To use a mountaineering analogy, your challenging undergraduate degree was a walk in the foothills, your postgrad saw you headed for base camp, so a […]
MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships are prestigious grants offered by the European Union under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) program. These fellowships are designed to support early-career researchers who have already obtained a PhD and wish to further their academic and professional development. Key Features of MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships International mobility: Fellows are expected to carry out […]
Springboard+ courses are one of Ireland’s most important education initiatives for unemployed people. Springboard+ offers 5,855 free places on 181 courses to help unemployed people return to education and find highly paid jobs. The courses are at certificate, degree and master’s levels. These are all in areas where there are plenty of jobs. However, Springboard+ […]
Covering everything from traditional banking to e-commerce, tax, audit, consultancy and with inputs into literally every industry, the areas of business and finance remain one of the largest job opportunity sectors and one of Ireland’s biggest areas of employment. Business and Finance Over the last four to five years there have been very significant levels […]
If you are considering studying English at postgraduate level then there is no need for us to rhapsodise on its inherent, intangible virtues; the chances are you are already well aware of them. English Studies at Postgraduate Level What does need to be said, however, is that the demands of studying English at postgraduate […]
Tempted to study abroad? When considering where to study at postgraduate level, there are a lot of factors to consider. Which is the best programme for you with regards cost, suitable accommodation, university supports, or programme content? Does the course you’re looking at provide teaching experience? Do they have a strong department, research background or […]
Are you a Francophile? Big fan of cheese? Or perhaps the top expert in your field is based in Brittany? Here at Postgrad.ie, we’ve come up with the top 5 reasons to take the plunge and do your Postgraduate Study In France. The attractions of studying in France are considerable; there are many programmes taught […]