Unfortunately, there are no courses listed in our database in Dublin 10. We are dealing with course providers on a continual basis, so please do check back again. Meanwhile, feel free to use some of the options below.
Environmental Psychology is a fascinating and growing field that examines the interplay between human behavior and the physical environment. This multidisciplinary area of study encompasses aspects of psychology, sociology, urban planning, architecture, and ecology to understand how our surroundings influence our thoughts, emotions, and actions, and vice versa. What is Environmental Psychology? At its core, […]
Looking for a challenging and well-compensated career? An MSc Finance could be your passport to the rewarding world of finance, business and banking. In today’s fast-paced global economy there is an increasing need for financial experts. Ireland is no different. As a developed country, Ireland has experienced increased demand for financial professionals in the last few […]
It may sometimes feel like Irish politics is exclusively dominated by outgoing, high-profile personalities, but there is also room in the political world for people who wish to work in a more behind-the-scenes capacity. A qualification in Political Science is perfect for anyone looking to get involved in any section of this area. Thinking of […]
Moore’s Law and the technological shifts brought in under its mantle has obliterated our traditional interpretation of what ‘media’ actually means. A few generations ago, the only media available to consume was via print. Then came photography, followed by radio, film, TV and most recently the computer. It’s hard to fathom, especially for the average […]
Studying anthropology at the postgraduate level offers a deep dive into the study of human societies, cultures, and behaviors, providing a rich and nuanced understanding of humanity’s past, present, and future. Pursuing Postgraduate Studies in Anthropology Specializations Anthropology is a broad field encompassing various sub-disciplines such as cultural anthropology, biological anthropology, archaeology, and linguistic anthropology. […]
Almost 50 per cent of all postgraduate students at Irish universities are studying part-time. This includes mature students, who decide to return to education at different stages of their careers, as well as students who have just graduated from their primary degree, and don’t want to commit to a further year studying full-time. Part-time postgraduate […]
Before you embark on your PhD journey, it’s worth considering that you are taking on an objective that is at the very upper end of the scale of achievable qualifications. To use a mountaineering analogy, your challenging undergraduate degree was a walk in the foothills, your postgrad saw you headed for base camp, so a […]
Choosing a university is a big deal. As a postgrad student you’ve already done it at least once. It is not necessarily any easier the second time! When you decide to do a postgraduate course you may wonder whether to continue your education with your existing university or head off for fresh pastures. However, it […]
If you are considering studying English at postgraduate level then there is no need for us to rhapsodise on its inherent, intangible virtues; the chances are you are already well aware of them. English Studies at Postgraduate Level What does need to be said, however, is that the demands of studying English at postgraduate […]
Think of changing career or upskilling? If you need to change or add to your skillset, a conversion course may be the best way to proceed. Here we explain what conversion courses are to help you decide if this is the right choice for you. What is a conversion course? A conversions course is a […]