Postgraduate courses in Teaching courses in Dublin
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Diversity and Inclusion in Further Education and Training (P. Grad. Cert.)
Teaching courses Course by Trinity College Dublin - Dublin City South, Co. DublinThe Postgraduate Certificate in Diversity and Inclusion in Further Education and Training provides opportunities for participants to develop professional understanding and knowledge through study, practice, and critical reflection on their experiences as a Further Education and Training (FET) teacher. It is designed to help participants develop innovative professional ideas and practice to support learners with…
Professional Master of Education (Post Primary Education)
Professional Master’s of Education Course by Dublin City University (DCU) - Glasnevin, Co. DublinThe Professional Master of Education (Post Primary) is a full-time teacher education qualification delivered through evening and flexible learning modes for those who hold an approved undergraduate degree and wish to become a teacher in a post primary school. The PME programme in DCU provides graduates with the knowledge and skills required for twenty first century classrooms.…